Thursday, February 09, 2006

Razz Tournament Results

David Jarrett took down the $20 Razz event, he won most of the big hands at the end and had an enormous chip lead going into 3 handed play. Jason Kramer was behind to Corey Eslinger with 2 cards to come and caught an 8 to make an 86 low to beat Corey's 97. David then called Jason's all-in draw ... Jason needed any 3,6,7,8,9,T, or J, but missed on the last card and David won.

In the $20 NL nightcap, Mike won the big hand of the night, eliminating David, Travis Rodriguez, and Roger all on one hand with 67d. The pot was worth 43,500 - there was 90,000 chips in play. This made a 7 person table, only 4 people left out of the 9 who started.

Mike ended up finishing 3rd, as Jason Stephen went on a run and took his chips when he had Mike all-in with KJ to his QJ on a J high flop ... but a Q on the turn gave Jason the pot and about a 3-1 chip lead going heads up with Corey. Corey check raised all-in on a K86 flop with K4, but Jason had 89 with a flush draw. The turn brought the flush and Jason won $100 for his efforts.


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