Friday, December 16, 2005

Poker Etiquette

Hello, all,

This subject is one I'm probably the most guilty of any of us. Basically being a good sport, congratulating people at the end of a hand, etc., etc.

Yes it sucks to take a horrendous beat when someone had no business being in the pot with the cards he had, but as is always said, that's poker. As I said, I'm probably the most guilty of criticizing someone's else play at the end of a hand when I'm steaming from a beat. If any of you know me, you know just by looking at me that I'm probably not a person to strike up a conversation with after losing any pot, much less the pot that knocks me out of the game.

To put bad beats in some perspective: How many of you play craps? Well, on the come out roll, how many times do you see a 7 or 11, or, a 2, 3, or 12 rolled? Obviously you win money on the 7/11 and lose on the 2/3/12. These happen more than often as anyone will tell you, and sometimes, 2 -3 times consecutively. Well the chance of rolling a 7 or 11 on the come out is 22%, nearly the same odds as KK cracking AA when all the money goes in preflop. Rolling a 2/3/12 on the come out, or craps, is an even bigger dog at only 11%, or about the same odds as someone hitting their kicker with AJ vs your AK, when the flop comes out with an A high on the board.

I know those statistics won't console anybody who busts out, but I hope that they are able to remember them, myself foremost included, when they suffer their next bad beat and glare across the table at their opponent, or criticize their play.

Corey Eslinger


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