Thursday, August 14, 2008

Long, Long Time

So I see the last entry was about Event #6 - WOW. So I suppose one could say I took an early summer vacation?

I guess truth be told, just like a lot of people, poker becomes a sidebar at times. Granted, for me a sidebar is not nearly the same as it might be for many others. I still make an effort to play, but don't necessarily press the issues. 3 kids, married life, work, travel, you name it - they all take their toll.

Since April 1st, here's a quick rundown of all things poker that I can think of. I started, briefly, the free poker again in Fargo, but after suffering 3 long weeks of dead cards, I decided to save the rest of my bad luck for Vegas, which went about as well. 2 tournaments, 2 coin flips lost. I hate coin flips to begin with, but sometimes they become unavoidable. The cash games were about as good. The first session, 2nd hand I get dealt KK and run into AA - yeah, you all know the story. So, Vegas trip = about -$500 in poker, thankfully some good picks in the sportsbook make it a nearly even weekend for gambling.

Truthfully, the trip was partially paid for with a couple decent hits online (one of which I busted 6th for $550 with KK that lost to KQ for 1/3 the chips in play - first was $2,700) and time spent working instead of playing poker. So all in all, as much as I truly whine about poker, it has been good to me and I should smile - right? If only we could all have a rosy view.

Well, Dirty River is looking up for me, and the fall is almost here. Life might settle down one of these days, I might even move to Fargo to avoid energy costs, which I'm sure if anybody wants to hear my opinion on, they will.

I'll try to make my next post much sooner than the 4 1/2 months it took to make this, lol.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feel good......

3:50 AM  
Blogger Bill Burgess said...

Umm, It's been about 4 1/2 months. Isn't it about time for an update!


11:17 PM  

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