Monday, December 04, 2006

I could feel the sand between my toes ...

Through 10 hours, I was able to play great poker, survive one coin flip, go on a massive rush, and it all came down to the same hand I won the DPT event 2 weeks prior ... QJh ...

I flopped a gutshot and flush draw, turned a Q, and then when the river brought a 2nd K, I somehow convinced myself I had the best hand. Unfortunately it was not the case and my opponent did have a K.

It's a hand I'm sure to relive over and over .. especially considering I could fold and still have around 400K against my opponent's 800K ... hindsight is always 20/20 and I had trusted my gut all day ...

Things really seemed to be going my way, and I'm very disappointed in the outcome, although I did receive a few consolation prizes. I will be playing at the DPT Invitational this coming weekend and hopefully the hot streak will continue.

Honestly, I think I have to gain a little bit of perspective on today before I can write more about it ....

We'll talk soon ...


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