Monday, March 13, 2006

Jason Kramer wins the $30 PL Hold-em

Jason Kramer wins the $30 PL event. He had 19 people at the event, including 3 new people, Matt, John, and Rob. KK seemed to be the very unpopular hand to have this evening as it lost a large number of large pots.

Kramer survived his first all-in of the night as he and Jim got them all-in with AQ (Kramer) vs AJ (Jim) with A23 -- all clubs, but no one had a club, and no J came and Kramer doubled up and seemed to avoid any significant pots until later in the final table.

Unfortunately for Eric Coughlin he once again was busted on the bubble vs Kramer just after he was unable to have KQ hold up against K3, even after the flop gave him a heart flush draw, leaving Lowell with only 2 outs. But a non-heart 3 fell on the river.

Ended up Jim had Kramer all-in heads up with 77 vs Kramer's T6, but a T saved Kramer and shortly thereafter Kramer's 88 held up vs Jim's 33.

Our next tournament will be at Greg and Bobi's on Sunday, March 26th, at 1:00. This is a $60 ($50+$10) NL tournament including bounties. Every person you knock out, you receive $10.

Hope to see you all there!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry if it seemed at all like I was whining or bitching about bubbling out -- a guy can only take so many.


5:20 PM  
Blogger Corey Eslinger said...

Bubble is always the toughest finish -- especially when it happens the way that happened -- and everybody knows I'm no angel when it comes to poker.

Luck changes!?!?! What &!*!#$@ world do I live in?!?!?

10:58 PM  

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